Access Morrow

Morrow Member Center

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Your Onboarding Awaits

First and foremost, this is not about us, our company, or our services or products.

This is all about you, the team you lead, the current challenges or gaps you are facing. We want to know about the vision you have for your venture growth organization. Together, we'll co-create a plan to get everyone up to speed on how to best utilize your membership in Morrow to make an impact wherever you call home.

Let's get your onboarding scheduled today!

Request Onboarding

Onboarding for Morrow Members

For members of Morrow request an onboarding for you or your team. Typically, we conduct onboarding sessions the first week of the month and often make exceptions because scheduling internationally is both art and science! Submit an onboarding request today.

Request a Morrow Total Access Onboarding

The Total Access Morrow Membership includes all of Morrow's flagship products and services. This 1-hour onboarding session includes a deep dive into understanding your team and venture growth organization. From managers to executives, employees of venture growth organizations are tasked with countless items with ambiguous goals. We'll help you clarify your goals for the membership, understand commitments to other members, and align your team towards common goals, ultimately utilizing the Morrow Total Access Membership.

  • 1-Hour Onboarding Session

Request a Morrow Capital Collective Onboarding

As a member, you'll nominate and vote on the most investment-ready ventures from your portfolio for exposure to investors. Month-over-month, nominating, voting and selecting will result in investor introductions for startups you submit to the collective.

  • 30-Minute Onboarding Session
  • Member to Nominate a Startup

Request a Morrow Forum Placement

As a member, we'll connect and categorize you according to your region or location, professional expertise, and aspirations. Alongside subject matter experts and overseen by a skilled moderator, Morrow Forums serve as a dynamic space for leaders to cultivate shared wisdom and boldly question norms and conventions at their venture growth organization.

  • 30-Minute Onboarding Session
  • Member to Submit Forum Application

Request a Morrow Match Scouting Session

As a member, Morrow Scouts are available to help you find startups aligned with your venture growth organization goals and values. Morrow Scouts specialize in this task, bringing a passion for uncovering exceptional startups that match your mission and thesis, aligned to your timeline.

  • 30-Minute Scouting Session

Request a Platform Review for Startup Support Program

Save yourself and your team +20 hours of demos with platform and software sales teams today by simply going through a platform review session with our team. A new crop of platform and program management tools are available. Each of them have pros, cons, cost considerations and our team can be a helpful resource when picking a solution after understanding your upcoming program and plans for the future.

  • 15-Minute Discovery Call

Request a Startup Support Program Onboarding

Understand the benefits and how to access the Startup Support Program. While memberships support venture growth organization (accelerators, hubs and studios), the Startup Support Program is designed and deployed to founders supported in partnership with VGOs.

  • 1-Hour Onboarding Session
  • 30-Day Implementation Period

Request an Onboarding

Fill out the form to kickstart your onboarding today, enabling our team to integrate yours.

Simply request an onboarding for any program or service covered in your membership. Should any uncertainties arise regarding your membership agreement, rest assured, our team will conduct a preliminary review and promptly get back to you.

Whenever feasible, and if schedules permit, we've discovered that certain onboarding sessions yield maximum benefit when new members engage collectively. If possible and we will try our best to coordinate your onboarding with members of Morrow.

Legacy Members & Special Requests

Ping the Morrow Team for any special request or new initiative that is important to you. Resources permitting, we'll do our best to make it happen.

Legacy Members

For legacy members of GAN and GSSN, lifetime access to the Morrow Benefits Program is available to you and your team. This includes full access to our catalog of data reports, the archives of community calls, playbooks, and perks and discounts currently available from service providers.

  • Ping to provision your access.

Speaking Engagements

Morrow has a deep network and database of potential speakers for special events, conferences or workshops you are hosting. Simply let us know the subject matter and dates for an introduction or two to a potential speaker. Or, if you are keen to hit the speaking circuit and would like to share expert knowledge as a keynote, workshop host, or course contributor, let us know.

  • Ping to share more.

Special Requests or Projects

Members of Morrow often and are encouraged to share what they need from other members and the Morrow team. The founder wellness initiatives and the creation of the Morrow Capital Collective were both initiated by members because they recognized the utility of a network of entrepreneurial-minded individuals to fill a gap or need in our ecosystem. If you think Morrow can be a channel for good or you'd like to see benefits included in the Startup Support Program for founders, our ears are wide open.

  • Ping membership@morrow to pitch an idea or new initiative.

FAQs on Membership & Support

I. What is the difference between the Morrow Access Memberships and the Startup Support Program?

There are “only two ways to make money in business: one is to bundle; the other is unbundle,” according to Jim Barksdale when he was CEO of Netscape. This quote while simplistic illustrates the strategy.

The Morrow Access Memberships and the Startup Support Program are two distinct offerings provided by Morrow to cater to different needs within our global network.

II. What are Morrow Access Memberships?

Morrow Access Memberships, we have four variations, are designed to support the scaling efforts of venture growth organizations and their teams in their regions.

III. How do Morrow Access Memberships differ from the Startup Support Program?

While Morrow Access Memberships target venture growth organizations, the Startup Support Program is exclusively designed to provide support to founders who work with accelerators, hubs, and studios.

IIIV. Why did Morrow make these changes?

Based on feedback and insights gathered from interviews with both longstanding and new members after the rebranding in 2022, it became evident that VGOs have varied needs based on their business maturity and operational scale.

Thus, the team Morrow designed options for any organization based on their needs and goals.

V. GAN use to conduct a founder-onboarding, are those still available for accelerators?

At this time, no, they are not available to members of Morrow.